News Archive
2004 Q3
September (2) • August (0) • July (0)

September 2004

(09/29/2004) ORIGINAL AIR DATE Comments
LOST - S1E02 - Pilot, Part 2

Kate, Sayid, Sawyer, Charlie, Shannon and Boone head out to take the transceiver inland in an attempt to reach higher ground and get a better signal. Along the way they are attacked by a charging polar bear, which Sawyer shoots and kills. They are unable to send a signal with the transceiver due to the presence of another (stronger) signal, a distress call (translated by Shannon) sent by a French woman that has been playing over and over for approximately sixteen years. Back at the beach, a federal marshal wakes up during his operation and asks Jack about Kate, who, in a flashback, is escorted by the marshal on the plane. In another flashback, Charlie is shown to have sneaked a small bag of heroin onto the plane.

(09/22/2004) ORIGINAL AIR DATE Comments
LOST - S1E01 - Pilot, Part 1
First Episode of LOST Season 1

Oceanic Airlines Flight 815, a commercial airliner flying from Sydney to Los Angeles, hits turbulence and breaks apart in mid-air and crashes on a deserted tropical island in the South Pacific, with forty-eight survivors of the initial crash. Mysterious roars are heard from the jungle and trees are found knocked over. Jack, Kate and Charlie set out into the jungle to find the cockpit of the airplane so they can send out a distress signal using the plane's transceiver. They also find the pilot, who survived the crash, and informs them that the plane had been steered more than a thousand miles off course before it crashed, and thus any rescuers would be looking in the wrong place. The pilot is soon killed by a mysterious unseen "monster". A flashback shows Jack on the plane.

August 2004

No news recorded for this month

July 2004

No news recorded for this month

2004 Q3
September (2) • August (0) • July (0)
NOTHING - LOST Show Autographs & Memorabilia