Drive Shaft Ring owned by Charlie Pace
Replica Prop

The Ring with the initiales "D.S." originally belonged to Dexter Stratton, Charlie Pace's great-grandfather, then passed down to the first born of the Stratton family. Charlie got the ring from his older brother Liam as a gift. The Ring was the inspiration for Charlie's and Liam's band "Drive Shaft".

The shown ring is a replica prop of the original and made of metal alloy in US size 11.

Charlie Pace writes down his life's Greatest Hits, wearing his ring.
(S3E21 - Greatest Hits)

Charlies leaves the Drive Shaft ring in Aaron's crib.
(S3E21 - Greatest Hits)

Sun finds Charlie's ring, three years after his death.
(S5E16/17 - The Incident)

Charlie wears his ring in a flash-sideways.
(S6E01 - LA X, Part 1)

For comparison: LOST - The Official Show Auction Lot #178
Charlie's DS Ring

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